Yesterday was definitely a very interesting day for me. It seems like I lost some screws! I wont tell you much as to what happened, because I promised to keep it a secret for the next few weeks, but gosh, I have to say, I have the best man in the world. My husband was so graceful and calm while I broke down with news, that ended up being not quite right!
Any how, the point of this is, that I realize now, that change is inevitable and that we each find our own path in life. I am happy for my friend, and Steve and I got a good laugh yesterday once the whole drama in my head was over!
Oh, I think age is getting to me!
So, now I am more stressed about finding a Birthday gift and a Father Day's gift for my Dad. And then is good bye gatherings and packing for our trip back home in 2 weeks!
Gosh, time does fly.
Next month I will finally Step into the third floor as I turn 30! OMG! 30?
Yup, the precious 20's will be a thing of the past. But I look at them not in sadness, but with pride.
I accomplished more than I can say in my 20's and I am so proud of it. Here are some of the things I accomplished:
Found a scholarship and got a College degree
Moved from Miami to Atlanta and Found an amazing job.
Bought my first home by myself! (BIG BIG) now my Condo is rented and will stay with us as profit.
Found the love of my life, insisted he come to me
Got married!
Moved to ENGLAND (Life Dream)!
Oh twenties! You were good, and soon It's time for us two to part! Thank you for the great memories and years!
I give you back your freedom so you can go and insipre another young 20 year old!
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